Vector Bull Character

Looking for cool character to fit your designs? We present to you the awesome Vector Bull character, specially made to finalize the look of any kind of project! So look no further and take advantage of this stylish cartoon character for free.
This bull illustration is made as a vector graphic making it completely editable. You can give freedom to your imagination and experiment with the colours or sizes of any part of the character. Using the vector file you can make your print or web projects even more awesome.
If you want to customize this vector bull, however, you will need some skill to work with Adobe Illustrator CC or similar vector software.
If you are looking for different type of character, we can advise you to see some of our free vector characters sections and chose the perfect vector character to your liking.
Click the Download button below in order to download this awesome Vector Bull.

Vector Bull
File Format: Ai, PDF, PNG
Size: 5,66 MB
Author: VectorCharacters
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