Photographer Vector Character

Photographer vector character with charming smile that will help you to add more welcome and inviting feel to your web and print related projects. Besides it’s released for free download and you don’t have to pay even a penny.
Photographer vector character that will help you to add some real personality to your web and print related projects. Let’s be honest. Using a cartoon character for your design project is definitely a good idea if you want to make it more notable and memorable. Moreover here we have vector character released for free download and this way you will save yourself not only time and efforts but money too.
Our photographer vector character is made in Adobe Illustrator, which means that you can easily modify and re-size the figure without losing any quality. In the downloadable archive we have included also PDF and PNG file types in case you want to use the character as it is.
Download our photographer vector character just a simple click on the free download button below.
We strongly suggest you to check also our Male Vector Character with Hat and Camera.

Photographer Vector Character
Here you can watch video of the whole creation process of our character.
File Format: Ai, PDF, PNG
Size: 2,460 KB
Author: VectorCharacters
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