Clever Boy Vector Character

Clever boy vector character with friendly smile and welcome look. This guy will definitely improve the look of your projects. He is suitable for educational programs, libraries, school projects and many more. You could also use this vector character for both web and print projects.
Clever boy vector character with friendly look. We have created а vector character that will suit a wide range for purposes. It could be a good choice for educational and school programs, office work, bookstores and any business that wants to use vector character to present knowledge and skills. You could use our vector character both for web and print projects. Our clever boy vector character has been designed in Adobe illustrator. That is the required vector software to open the source file. All layers are properly grouped and named. So once you open the vector file you will be able to edit with ease. Go now and grab our clever boy vector character for free!
Check out The Best Free School Clipart Graphics around the web in 2019.

Clever Boy Vector Character Preview
File Format: Ai, PDF
Size: 1,730 KB
Author: VectorCharacters
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